
Showing posts from January, 2023

Which is your preferred condo floor layout 什么是你最喜欢的房型?

 Which is your preferred condo floor layout 什么是你最喜欢的房型? Floor plan, your home layout is one of most important factors to consider buying a new condo. Usually There are wide variety of floor plans available for the project. which is the best suit for your lifestyle, budget, and needs would be the very first questions in the purchasers head. In this post, we will discuss on the various types of condominium floor plans available to find the best one for your needs. 户型图是选房的关键考虑因素之一。需要同时符合买房需求、生活方式与预算。这么重要的信息当然要分享。 Loft Designs Loft design usually feature soaring ceilings, maximises the functionality of the space. It require celling high start from 4 metres.  Many big apartments with high celling living room or master bedroom, where house owners would use the air space to create more spacious and open living experience. However, even for one bedroom or studio, we can also see this special layout. It also create the potential good rental because of the extra room. 阁楼设计 这种设计常见于客厅或主人房...

顶丽峰(TERRA HILL) 优先通行证

  👏🏻👏🏻 万众期待最大永久地契集体收购地段之一,项目即将在2月10日隆重推出!由顶尖发展商 -海峡实业(Hoi Hup)和双威发展(Sunway)联合开发优质的房产。🎊🎊 顶丽峰(TERRA HILL) 永久地契, 永恒收藏   📣 该永久产权开发项目位于新加坡南部的第5邮区,耀祥路 (Yew Siang Road)。 总占地面积为19,365平方米,拥有270个住宅单位, 包含2至5卧室和电梯入户单位。 🌳项目坐落于一个小山坡上,地貌之罕见,可欣赏新加坡南部的全景。 建筑设计由9栋5层高组成,项 目小门直连接到新加坡历史悠久的肯特岗公园。犹如您家后院便是47公顷郁郁葱葱的绿色植物, 美景如画。 🚆 距环线 (Circle Line)-巴西班让地铁站仅350米, 到达城市只需数分钟。只需一个站即可到达拉柏多公园 (Labrador Park), 两个站即可到达东北线转乘站港湾(Harbourfront) 以及的大型购物中心-怡丰城 (VivoCity) 和新加坡旅游胜地-圣淘沙! 💼 四周有研发设施环绕,如科学园1和 2、纬壹区、新加坡国立大学、国立大学附属医院,以及丰树商业城甲级办公室。谷歌、思科、联合利华、美国运通、香港上海汇丰银行有限公司等国际知名跨国公司的云集。 🌊 距离500米内可步行到新加坡总体规划历史上最大的转变-大南部濒水区改造包括2000公顷优质濒水区的面积, 将会是滨海湾的6倍,海岸线长达30公里。更会在岌巴俱乐部现址兴建约9,000个住宅单位, 亦透露布拉尼岛将与圣淘沙一同重新发展, 兴建新的旅游景点。将重塑为集居住、工作与休闲于一体的全新地带。  顶丽峰 (Terra Hill)未来都会有更多的资本增值空间, 肯定会带动许多投资者与买家的关注!不要忘记将于2026年完成环路的环线。 因此买家可放心购买具有巨大潜力和升值的产业,并且长期享受这种有潜力的增值!绝对不容错过! 欲知更多详情, 敬请致电与我咨询与洽谈 ☎️86279590 | Jerry 合登 - 您的首选房产顾问

1bed + Study Condo for Rent - Directly opposite to Pasir Panjang MRT and NUS

 1bed + Study Condo for Rent - Directly opposite to Pasir Panjang MRT and NUS District: 5 Project: Bijou Type: Apartment (Mixed Development) Unit: #02-27 Size: 603sqf Bedrooms: 1+S Toilets: 1 (Jack and Jill) Asking: from $4,000 subject to GST minimum 1 year lease ok Earliest move in date: 18 Apr 2023 Furnishing: Fully Sample Virtual Tour: Remark: No balcony, unit is still tenanted. Queen Bed, TV and TV Console is provided but not shown in photos 

Freehold Condos vs Leasehold Condo 永久地契和99年地契大比拼

 Freehold Condos vs Leasehold Condos 永久地契和99年地契大比拼 When it comes to buying a private condominium, one of the key considerations is knowing whether the property is a freehold condo or a leasehold condo. Between the two, homebuyers tend to opt for freehold properties. That’s because the general consensus is that freehold property: Cannot be taken back by the government Can be handed down to the next generation Carries a higher value 永久地契 vs 99年地契 哪个好? 房子是永久地契还是99年是很多买家都会考虑的一点,大多数买家都倾向于购买永久地契的屋子。因为: 1.大家的共识是永久地契房子永远都是你的,政府/他人拿不走。 2.可以传给下一代继承, 3.房产价值更高。但真的是这样的吗? 1. Forever to own The common misunderstanding is that the government cannot take back a freehold property and that the property owner will be able to hold on to it for life and hand it down to the next generation. This is however a myth. Just because the condo is freehold now, doesn’t mean it will remain freehold forever. As we know, Singapore is small and our only constant is change. Now, with the rapid redevelopment ...

Why buy new launch than resale condo

Why buy new launch than resale condo?   When buyer look at the property for sell listing, they usually see the resale condo price is lower than new launch condo. It looks more affordable and attractive, but the is it true? The reality is different, the following reasons is why new launch usually more cheap and easy to sell than resales. 买家在寻购屋子的时候,往往发现二手房价钱比起新房更加亲民。这是真的吗?真是情况却不是我们眼前看到的,同项目的新盘往往是比二手房更便宜,更加容易卖掉。理由如下。 1. Everything is brand new Everything about the property — from the fixtures, appliances, plumbing, facilities — is spanking new. unlike buying a resale property, you don’t have to worry about repairing something that’s broken by the previous owner. If you’re buying a leasehold condo, you’ll also be buying a property with a fresh 99-year lease.  Some tenants also prefer to rent a new condo because the unit and the facilities are newer, so this is something to take note of if you’re buying as a landlord.  1. 全新 a)所有的公寓设施,景观都是全新,房子装完灯,窗帘,购买家具即可领包入住. 屋子里的一切都是新的, 电...

SIM LIAN over 40 years construction and develop experience in Singapore

  Sim Lian's Profile Sim Lian Group has been creating homes for families in Singapore for over 40 years, first earning an outstanding track record in construction. The Group is now recognised as an established property development, investment and construction company with an extensive portfolio of residential, commercial, retail and mixed-use projects in the region. Projects: Treasure at tampines: best selling project in 2019 & 2020, all 2203 units sold out Hillion Residences: Singapore first mixed-use development in the west, Top 2017 Vision Exchange: 25 story office tower, Top 2017 开发商 - 森林集团 买屋要看开发商,今天介绍的业界低调良心开发商,华人世界风格典范 - SIM LIAM 森联集团 成立于1976年,开始从做建筑起家,有这近50年的房地产开发,建筑经验。 这家公司的项目特点是:物美价廉、高效空间规划、大众户型、少营销、底利润、高销售量、运转周期快。 和同行业其它开发商不同的是 SIM LIAM自己是开发商的同时也是建筑商, 在加上自己薄利多销,不做太多广告。使得它自己的房产项目总是经济实惠,物美价廉。 集团的声誉在新加坡得到认可,被评为过新加坡百强品牌及新加坡十大开发商。 看几个森联做过的项目我们就可以深刻的体会到这家公司的项目特点: 🚩 Treasure at Tampines 新加坡有史以来最多间房子的公寓,共建2203间住宅。 201...

Botany at Dairy Farm 万景轩 The king of value for money 2023年性价比之王

 Botany at Dairy Farm 万景轩 What & Why The most affordable condominium project in 2023 in Singapore Singapore Largest Natural Reserve (3000 hectares) at your doorstep Highly accessible to other parts of Singapore Via Major expressway like BKE, PIE, KJE, and SLE Living within Nature & not the buzz of city life! 为什么要买万景轩? 万景轩将是全新加坡新盘价格上最优惠的高档公寓 (开发商拿地价980块每尺,随着通货膨胀以及各种税金的增长,未来将不会有低于1000块每尺的地价)。 万景轩在新加坡最大自然保护区的旁边,多个公园环绕,绿树成荫,空气清新,安静舒适,远离嘈杂与纷乱。 万景轩有着顶级的公寓设施, 楼栋之间间距很大。建筑面积只占总面积的30%,70%的面积公共景观与设施,低密度居住。让业主有度假村般的享受。 万景轩步行到Hillview 750米距离,也有免费公寓bus. Hillview 位于Downtime line 20分钟可以到CBD. 驾车侧在2分钟即可以上高速公路BKE 快速到达全岛任何角落。 多间国际小学与本地名校在1公里距离内。 Connectivity 9mins walk away from Hillview MRT (Downtown Line) By MRT: 1 MRT stop – Future Beauty World Integrated Transport Hub 2 MRT stops – King Albert Park MRT (Downtown Line) 2 MRT stops – Hillion Mall and Bukit Panjang MRT (Downtown Line) / LRT / Bus Interchange 5 MRT stops – Botanic Gardens MRT (Downtown Line / Circle Line) 7 MRT stops – Newton ...